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General questions Why should I use a STP Broker?
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Question by: Henry - 06 Sep 2016, 08:29:06
Why should I use a STP Broker?
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<a href="https://www.instaforex.com/?x=YOUR_PARTNER_LINK">InstaForex</a>
<a href="https://www.instaforex.com/?x=YOUR_PARTNER_LINK">InstaForex</a>
Answers (1)
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Answer by: Jeremy - 06 Sep 2016, 08:39:38

When you place a trade with your brokerage, your broker has to decide whether to send the trade out to the market, or to take the other side of the trade and hold the trade in-house. Straight through processing means your trade goes through to the broader market, and your brokerage only makes a markup on the spread - essentially a commission based model.

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