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Forex market What is over valued domestic currency?
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Question by: Henry - 18 Jul 2014, 07:59:49
What is over valued domestic currency?
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Answers (2)
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Answer by: Joseph - 07 Jan 2015, 03:51:13

A currency trading situation whereby the value of a currency is higher than the open market accepts at the current exchange rate. Often a central bank of the originating country will increase demand through the purchase of the local currency, thereby tightening supply.

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Answer by: Samanthar - 12 Feb 2015, 03:48:57

A situation in which the exchange rate of a currency exceeds what the open market is willing to pay. For example, currency overvaluation may occur when central banksbuy more of a currency that they ordinarily do when other trading is flat. Currency overvaluation makes a country's exports more expensive and may thus be detrimental tointernational trade

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