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Forex Trading What is foreign exchange turnover?
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Question by: Samanthar - 11 Sep 2014, 09:37:57
What is foreign exchange turnover?
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Answers (2)
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Answer by: Jeremy - 21 Jan 2015, 05:47:10

1. In accounting, the number of times an asset is replaced during a financial period. 2. The number of shares traded for a period as a percentage of the total shares in a portfolio or of an exchange.

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Answer by: Joseph - 29 Jan 2015, 03:49:14

1. In accounting, turnover often refers to inventory or accounts receivable. A quick turnover is desired because it means that inventory is not sitting on the shelves for too long. 2. In a portfolio, a small turnover is desired because it means the investor is paying less in commissions to the broker. It is called "churning" when a broker unethically generates numerous trades solely in order to increase commissions.

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