The best idea of using the Momentum indicator in trading is to combine it with oscillators and other trend indicators. Applying Momentum alongside moving averages and trend indicators, you will gain better profits in forex trading. To ensure more accurate technical analysis, traders are recommended to apply Momentum at the time of higher volatility when an indicator’s curve on a chart and a market trend are moving in the same direction in parallel. If you have enough forex experience, you may try to use this indicator when trading against a trend. In the settings, you should specify features of additional levels which will serve as borders of the overbought and oversold zones. Besides, please be aware that accuracy of the indicator’s signals may vary depending on a particular trading asset and time frame. For example, it would be wise to consider a bigger time frame for long-term trading. A particular time frame should be set, taking into account characteristics of a trading instrument. In case these factors are neglected, signals could come out with a delay or they could be less accurate.